A Responsible Internet to Increase Trust in the Digital World
Hesselman, C., Grosso, P., Holz, R., Kuipers, F., Xue, J. H., Jonker, M., de Ruiter, J., Sperotto, A., van Rijswijk-Deij, R., Moura, G. C. M., Pras, A., & de Laat, C. (2020)
Journal of Network and Systems Management, Volume 28, Issue 4

On the Asymmetry of Internet eXchange Points – Why Should IXPs and CDNs Care?
Bertholdo, L., Ferreira, S. L. A., Ceron, J. M., Holz, R., Granville, L. Z., & van Rijswijk – Deij, R. M. (2022)
18th International Conference on Network and Service Management

Slowdown as a Metric for Congestion Control Fairness
Adrian Zapletal, Fernando Kuipers
22nd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets ’23)

Hazardous Echoes: The DNS Resolvers that Should Be Put on Mute
R. Yazdani, Y. Nosyk, R. Holz, M. Korczyński, M. Jonker and A. Sperotto
7th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2023)

Investigation of FlexAlgo for User-driven Path Control
Kułacz, J., Pawlus, M., Boldrini, L., & Grosso, P.
IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2023) 

Towards Security Transparency of Autonomous Systems on the Internet
S. K. Khadka, R. Holz, C. Hesselman
Workshop on Transparency, Accountability and User Control for a Responsible Internet (TAURIN 2023)

Internet transparency through multi-party computation
P. Mackowiak, F. Kuipers
Workshop on Transparency, Accountability and User Control for a Responsible Internet (TAURIN 2023)

A Modular Approach to Automatic Cyber Threat Attribution using Opinion Pools
Teuwen, Koen TW.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2023

DNS Dependencies as an Expression of the Digital Divide: the Example of Australia
N. Nazemi, O. Tavallaie, A. Zomaya, R. Holz
Workshop on Transparency, Accountability and User Control for a Responsible Internet (TAURIN 2023)

Packed to the Brim: Investigating the Impact of Highly Responsive Prefixes on Internet-wide Measurement Campaigns
Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Mattijs Jonker, Oliver Gasser, Georg Carle, and Ralph Holz
ACM Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT23)

Serial BGP Hijackers: A Reproducibility Study and Assessment of Current Dynamics
Ebrima Jaw, Moritz Muller, Cristian Hesselman and, Lambert Nieuwenhuis
8th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2024)

Assessing the security of Internet paths: A case study of Dutch critical infrastructures
Shyam Krishna Khadka, Suzan Bayhan, Ralph Holz and Cristian Hesselman
Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW 24)

LanDscAPe: Exploring LDAP Weaknesses and Data Leaks at Internet Scale.
Jonas Kaspereit, Gurur Öndarö, Gustavo Luvizotto Cesar, Simon Ebbers, Fabian Ising, Christoph Saatjohann, Mattijs Jonker, Ralph Holz, and Sebastian Schinzel.
Proc. USENIX Security Symposium. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2024.

Is a Name Enough? A First Look into Detecting Clouds Using DNS Pointer Records.
Sousan Tarahomi, Raffaele Sommese, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Jeroen Linssen, Ralph Holz, and Anna Sperotto.
Proc. 20th Int. Conference on Network and Service Management. Prague, Czech Republic, 2024.